英語版This is a scarce hardcover edition of Chagall's posters, a catalogue raisonne of his works by Charles Sorlier, Chagall's lithographer. This catalogue was published in 1975 by Crown Publishers, preface by Jean Adhemar (Curator-In-Chief of the Bibliotheque, Paris) and edited by Charles Sorlier. It was printed in France by Draeger.The book is divided into three parts: The first includes Chagall's own posters engraved by Chagall; The second includes Chagall posters engraved by Charles Sorlier; The third includes posters made from Chagall's earlier paintings, engravings and sketches, some without Chagall's consent. An introduction by Jean Adhemar, Curator-In-Chief of the Biblioteque Nationale, Paris, texts selected from the most penetrating critics, poems and a catalogue by Charles Sorlier, Chagall's lithographer who has been working with Chagall since printing the very first graphics, complete this exceptional anthology".